Our narrative

Te Ahi Kaikōmako

The name Te Ahi Kaikōmako was gifted by Te Taumutu Rūnanga and has its origins in the narrative of Māui and Mahuika. In the narrative, Mahuika placed a small amount of fire in all of the trees in the bush, except for the kaikōmako tree, which received the most amount of fire. An essential element for survival, fire was most easily retrieved from the kaikōmako, making it an incredibly valuable resource for early Māori.

The kaikōmako is also known as the ‘ducks foot’ or the ‘bellbird tree’, and the female tree is a food source for the korimako. The name Te Ahi Kaikōmako utilises the metaphor of the school being the source of fire for its students learning; providing them with the tools they need to learn and grow, the students feeding from the kaikōmako, like the korimako.

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E Tū Tāngata

Standing Together Ignites Our Learning

At Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School we recognise that: Others Matter, You Have Value and We Succeed Together

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What’s Going On


Monday, 24 Feb

Community Picnic

Friday, 28 Feb

Yr 5-8 Top Team

Friday, 7 Mar

School Assembly

Monday, 10 Mar

SC Zone Swimming

Thursday, 13 Mar

Y0-3 Run, Jump, Throw

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